Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm going to Myanmar for mission trip..need your support~

Dear All,

Peace be with you! I hope that God is doing as many wonderful things in your life as He is in mine. With a grateful heart, I would like to share with you an exciting news: I will be joining a mission trip to Myanmar this coming May with a few brothers and sisters from other local universities, 8 of us in a team. It is organized by Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ (MCCC) and we will be starting our ministry there from 16th May 2009 to 31st May 2009.

Frankly, making this decision wasn’t easy. Especially during my final year, where most of my time is occupied with all the intense lab work, thesis and presentations. At first I thought, this is really not a good time to go on a mission trip. But I'm not sure if there is ever a "good time" to go on a mission trip. And I could probably come up with a list of reasons why I shouldn't go, but I keep coming back to the one reason I should – God loves people.

I would really want to thank God that He has won me through the gift of salvation of my dad 2 years ago. Ever since then, my life is changed by Him as I have found the purpose in my life. He has shown me the greatest love by sending His Son, Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross. He has also given me hope and promised to walk with me, even in our hardest time, as in Psalms 23:4: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Now, God is giving me this opportunity to share His love with the people in other nations. I’m looking forward to reach out people, share gospel to them and witness how God works in them by changing their lives.

While God has opened up a door for me to develop a greater heart of compassion for His people around the world, the exciting part is that you will be able to share in this compassion in several ways. I need your prayer support. Please pray that God will prepare us for our visit and bless our efforts as we minister to the people in Myanmar. Pray that people will see the love of Jesus through us and will be touched in some way. My prayer is that this trip proves to be life changing for the people of Myanmar even more than for myself. I cannot accomplish this task alone, knowing that you are praying would mean a lot to me.

Besides, I would be glad if you would like to be part of this mission through financial support. A little, a lot, any would be great. During the next several months, I will be working very hard to raise the finances to go on this mission trip. I will need to raise a total of RM 2970.00 by 19th April 2009. This will include all expenses: airfare, ministry, accommodations, food, and transportation. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is appreciated.

Thank you for letting me share with you what will be one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I look forward to doing God's work in Myanmar and letting you know all about how God has worked through this team when I return in June. Thank you so much for your consideration. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!

In His service,
Li Yin

*p/s: If you would like to be part of my ministry (either prayer or financial support) , you can get a hold of me at:
Mobile: 012-9372703
Or simply leave a comment here, i will get back to u then~Thanks!~~

Monday, December 29, 2008

An Awesome Christmas~~

This is yet another unforgettable Christmas. Christmas, a season of gifts...but the best gift i've ever from God..He gave us His only son, Jesus Christ... He gave us the gift of salvation, by shedding blood on the cross to pay the price of our sins...There's no greater love than this, there's no higher sacrifice...that a man would gave his life for a friend...

That's why i thought this year, i wanted to do something different, something special during this season of gift...I wanted to share this gift to people around me, people that i love...So, besides sending e-cards, i also bought some conventional Christmas cards, and i share my thoughts and feelings on how Christmas meant to me...before and after i became a Christian...For some of my non-believer old friends, i slipped in the Good News Booklet before posting them...(Sorry guys, couldn't manage to send all, will get it replaced next year..hehe..=P)
This year, I manage to spend my Christmas at my home sweet home in Kuantan...Christmas is definitely the best time to spend with our beloved family and friends...The night before Christmas, I couldn't really fall asleep...i guess it's because of the excitement before baptism...Thinking about the Christmas service tomorrow, can't get to invite friends to come over...but then..suddenly a name pop out in my mind...Voon Yin...Yea, i forgot...she's back to with a little hope (she sleeps very early and that time was already 1.30am)...i sent out an invitation sms...waited and waited...15 mins passed..just when i was about to give up, she replied! And her answer was Yes...Praise God~~

The next morning, i waited for Voon Yin and her husband Jack to come over and pick me up so that i can show them the way to my church. But due to some unavoidable reason, they came late and we missed some part of the programmes. But it doesn't matter, I'm grateful enough to have them here with me during this Christmas service. The message given by Pastor Richard is a bit lengthy but meaningful...the true meaning of Christmas and the greatest gift of all...hope Jack and Voon Yin get the message...This is the first time my church was so crowded, never expect that so many of them came...the church is so over-crowded that many of them have no place to sit...I'm hoping that someday our sunday service will have this same phenomena...

This Christmas is special...because my family and i will be baptised~~After delaying for a few times...We are finally getting baptised! Around 5pm, we gathered at the 1st bay of Teluk Cempedak...It was raining and the wind was strong...Our hearts are filled with joy and excitement...9 of us getting baptised that day including my family (my mom, sis, bro and me)...We started off by singing hymms, sharing testimony...and off we by one we got into the sea...The wave was strong, and the wind was freezing cold...But miraculously, when i got into the water, I don't feel cold at all!! Thank God~~I remembered Pastor Richard said: "I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit..." And the tidal came, submerging me in the water...and...I'm born again!!~~~

That night, we had a family gathering. I helped mom and sis prepared the food...Christmas~western food of course~~hehe..spaghetti, salad, mashed potatoes, mushroom soup, roasted chicken (the so-called turkey~haha)-my all-time favourite~~~Had a wonderful dinner...the kidz exchanged presents, we watched Kung-fu Panda together...Really enjoyed the time with my big family....

This is how i spent my Christmas in 2008, full of love, joy and excitement...It's a special unforgetable awesome one...In my heart...i'm glad...I'm grateful...that i found the true meaning of Christmas...The greatest gift of all...And i'm thankful...that i get to share this love to the others... Thank you Father...Thank you Jesus...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


自从爸爸去世后,已经很少跟家乡的老朋友出去聚聚了,大多把时间都留给家人...难得这次回来,碰巧有好几位朋友都在关丹,就相约出去聚一聚...地点由原本较吵杂的Relax Cafe临时改到较为安静,较适合我们“老人家”的Just Relax Cafe...




之后收到小kek的短讯说:“Hey fren, I actually enjoy the sharing just now, didn't feel any offence..." 哇,那一刻,真的超感动...怀蔚和他也说这圣诞如果有空就过来观礼...真的希望他们能来...





Thursday, December 11, 2008


还记得当晚突然被告知自己将会是短宣队的其中一位学生队长时,那一刻我差点反应不过来,心想:“上帝啊,你是在跟我开玩笑吧?学生队长?我怎么行啊?”我向来都不是领袖型的人,不善言辞的我,最怕的就是与人沟通,建立关系也得花上好长一段时间,更别提做决定了,认识我的人都知道,这向来是我最弱的一环,要我给意见,我都是这样回应的,“随便咯...都可以...你们决定咯...” 这下惨了,这样的我,怎么可能领队啊?心里一直很挣扎,甚至想过要逃避,为了这件事情我不断祷告,结果...为了那些失丧的灵魂...为了主...还是选择顺服...去就去吧...
~我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能作。(腓 4:13)

~神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时都可得到的帮助。(诗 46:1)

~又愿主叫你们彼此相爱的心,都充充足足,多而又多,好像我们爱你们一样。(帖前 3:12)


~主的灵在我身上,因为他膏我去传福音给贫穷的人,差遣我去宣告被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,受压制的得自由,(路 4:18)

此外,我还把很多的第一次献给了这次的短宣,除了第一次当队长,其他的还包括第一次跟不认识的小孩建立关系,第一次领人信主并替他们上造就,第一次报佳音,第一次参加属灵生日会,第一次上主日学(喂~别笑啦...真的是第一次~),第一次爬着下Van...还有很多很多第一次...但是不得不提的是第一次替彼此洗脚...感谢Daniel为我们的团队安排了这一段别具意义的时光,我们真的是一个很特别的团队,Team building对我们来说真的不太管用,我们需要更多的分享时间,但是每一次的分享都会换来很多的泪水,我常说,我们的团队是用泪水换来的,泪水从开始到结束从不间断,如果收集起来应该有一公升的眼泪吧?哈~当然,这么感动的彼此洗脚,怎么可能少了泪水...我们在为彼此洗脚的时候,也一一的把我们内心的话向对方坦诚说出,原本强忍泪水的我,最终还是抵挡不住,再次破功了...谢谢你们,你们你每一字每一句,我都不会忘记...虽然我们相处的时间只有短短十二天,但是你们让我学习到何谓彼此相爱,彼此包容,彼此扶持...好想再一次紧紧的拥抱你们...








Ah Yo~第一眼看你,就觉得你很静...还在担心,惨了,静的人遇上静的人,不是静上加静?怎知道,原来我们都被你的外表骗了,原来你玩起来也挺疯的~谢谢你愿意来到这次的短宣,看见你对宣教的负担,谢谢你一直带领我们祷告,你的行军祷告真的带得很棒!也发现你的主持功力也不错哦~继续加油!谢谢你,我们的代祷勇士!!








嗯,总结一下学习吧,在班台,看见很多破碎家庭,这些孩子们从小就在不健全的家庭环境下长大,他们渴望被爱,他们需要上帝,他们内心的缺口,唯有靠着上帝的爱才能被填满...但是,他们很多都未曾认识祂,对他们的负担,成了我的推动力,我要把这份爱向他们分享,让他们也有机会接受这一份礼物...上帝要我学习最大的功课就是爱~无论是弟兄姐妹之间,还是我不认识的人...爱~成了我继续前进的推动力...这一次的短宣也让我重新思考我未来要走的路,原本想继续读Master, 但是经过短宣后,上帝让我再次看清自己对人的负担,虽然现在还无头绪,但是我会继续寻求上帝的心意...此外,长巴事件也让我看见传福音的紧迫性,因为我们真得没办法预测下一秒会发生什么事,再等,我们也许再也见不到我们爱的朋友,亲人...再拖,我们的生命也许就会留下遗憾...求神帮助我们,别让我们心中的这团火冷却下来,时时提醒我们,拯救灵魂的迫切...让我们继续为班台、双礼佛和木威祷告,为着那里的孩子们...为着那里的Uncle, Aunty...为着那里失丧的灵魂...

~我又听见主的声音说:“我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?”我说:“我在这里,请差遣我。”(赛 6:8)

For more story regarding our Mission trip in Pantai Remis, pls visit, Thanks~God bless....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time to change~

Wow...It's been 4 months ago since my last post...
This was really a hectic semester...
Only 1 word to describe how i spent my life in this sem...
Tonnes of assignment...presentation...thesis...
I remembered during the beginning of this sem...
I told myself...I wanna make a difference in our campus...
I told myself...I need to stay focus...
I told myself...I need to start my personal evangelism...
But looking back to the past few months...
My life was totally screwed up!
What a mess...
I knew something is lacking in my life-

I really gotta change...
That's y i came back to my long abandoned blog..
I gotta write this down to keep reminding myself...
All the chains of bad habits...procrastination...
Which have been entangling my life...
Have to be broken...
Help me Lord...
Change my heart...purify my mind...
Renew my life...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday...Pa...

It’s your birthday today, pa…
Sorry that I couldn’t come back…
At least to buy you a bunch of flowers…
And place it at your graveyard…
But I know there’s no reason for me to be sad…
As you are now dwelling the arms of our loving Father...
In a place called Heaven...

I knew I wasn’t that tough…
Couldn’t remember how many sleepless nights and wet pillows…
Ever since you left us…
Until one day God knocked the door of my heart…
And He took my grief and sorrow away…
Comforts me…and heal my wounded heart with His healing grace…

Pa, It’s been quite sometime since death do us part…
Somehow I do think of you every single day…
Especially in the middle of the night…
Hoping that you would appear in my dreams…
So I would let you know how much we miss you…

I know it’s really hard to say goodbye…
But trust in our heavenly Father…
Someday we shall meet again…and share eternity…
In a place the Lord has prepared for us…

Happy Birthday, Pa…I miss you…

There is a better place by far…
And I know that’s where you are…
I’ve wept and cried…
Because you had to go…
But only because I miss you so…